Our Story

"Bonfire was created not only to inspire everyone else to get out and explore the Midwest, but it was also meant to inspire myself. I found myself trapped in this cycle every day and letting work consume me. I’ve always had that love for the Midwest, but I stopped taking the time to get out and enjoy it. Bonfire was created to motivate me to get out, detach from work, social media, all of the everyday distractions and explore the beauty of the Midwest more." - Matt

So how did we come up with the name Bonfire? Check out the definition below:

Bonfire (noun): a large open-air fire used as part of a celebration, to burn trash, or as warmth

Celebration: Bonfire celebrates the Midwest by creating unique apparel inspired by the one-of-a-kind culture

Burn Trash: We don't condone burning trash, but we do use special, compostable packaging made out of corn starch

Warmth: A basic Midwestern trait is warmth, or niceness and we are dedicated to embracing this fundamental Midwestern quality by donating 5% of all profits to the Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin

To see the organization that we currently support, please check out the Organizations tab at the top of the page. If you would like to suggest an organization we should support, please use the Contact Us tab to do so, or reach out to us on Instagram @BonfireMW.

Thank you for your support and remember to watch out for deer!